

Tyler Stevens

The Space - Founding Roadmap

The Space is a grass-roots bitcoin social hub and communtiy that we’re starting from scratch. We are building this citadel from inception to reality with the help of various founding members and sponsors across the Rocky Mountain region.

This effort began in the fall of 2023, when several regular attendees of Denver BitDevs decided it was time to create something special for the local bitcoin community. Over the following months, a handful of leaders took responsibility to make it happen. We’ve made great progress, yet still have much to do. This blog post will outline at a high level everything done, and to be done, as we bring The Space to life.

Q3 2023

  • Initial Planning
  • Community Surveys and Feedback
  • Establish Multi-Sig Treasury

Q4 2023

  • Define Charter, Mission and Values
  • Outline Articles of Incorporation
  • Sponsor & Support Development Deck

Q1 2024

  • Founding Event, Board Seat Elections, Founding Member Signups
  • Founing member event planning

Q2 2024

  • First member Event - Denver BitDevs Halving After Party
  • Real Estate Scouting
  • FOSS Tech and Server Infrastructure Build Out
  • Membership Handbook
  • Grow Membership, Founding Sponsors and Donors
  • Monthly Member Only Events
  • Website overhaul

Q3 2024

  • Monthly Member Only Events
  • Real Estate Selection
  • Opening Event

Stay Up to Date

Make sure to keep tabs on these blog posts for future updates, timeline changes, and milestone annoucements.