
The Space Newsletter | Big Opportunity

Tyler Stevens

We Can See The Light

Good afternoon, founding members and supporters of The Space!

Since our last update, we’ve hosted two fantastic events, made significant progress on our committee efforts, and achieved a milestone that brings us closer to offering a premier venue for the local bitcoin community.

Let’s start with the big update:

Real Estate

Our primary goal for The Space is to bring together our local community of dedicated bitcoiners and create a physical citadel in Colorado. We’re committed to creating a premier place for education, collaboration, and socialization.

To achieve this, we need a building to rent where we can set up shop, with space for events, working, and lounging.

A Building On The Horizon

We are excited to announce that one of our founding members has closed on a building that is a perfect fit for The Space. This member is aligned with our values and wants to help create a hub for bitcoin builders and the larger community.

Real Estate Opportunity Front Real Estate Opportunity Back

This is fantastic news and a significant step forward. However, it’s important to note that this is an opportunity we are pursuing with our full focus, not a confirmation that The Space has secured the location.

We are in the process of drafting a lease agreement proposal to demonstrate how we envision utilizing the space effectively.

Chicken & Egg Round 2.0

Previously, our challenge was:

Find a building to rent, but we need fiat money to show that we can rent -> But we don’t hold fiat money and need member dues to get money -> But we need a building to attract member dues. A paradox.

Now, our challenge is:

Prove we can meet market rate at a larger bitcoin-aligned property, but we need more monthly revenue -> We need more members and sponsors to get more revenue -> But we need a building to attract more members and sponsors. A new paradox.


The Board of Directors is diligently working on a tenant agreement proposal for The Space to occupy this property. We are exploring various levels of involvement, from hosting events to achieving full autonomy. Each level requires more revenue from our organization. We must show the property owner that we CAN and WILL successfully execute our vision by growing our membership, securing sponsors, engaging local bitcoin companies, and building the best place for bitcoin collaboration and community.

The physical location for The Space is closer than ever. We are fortunate to have a supportive property owner who wants to see our organization succeed. While we are still finalizing the tenant lease arrangement, we have been given the green light to start hosting events at the new location beginning in August. This means that even if the contract details are not yet fully settled, we can start using the space to bring our community together.

Call to Action

Help us seize this amazing real estate opportunity. Here are ways you can assist:

  • Sign up as a founding member if you have not already. This helps us prove interest to the property owner and sponsors.
  • Spread the word about The Space, our mission, and our progress.
  • Introduce us to high-impact businesses building on bitcoin, especially those local to our area. We want them involved, or even working at The Space.
  • Direct potential value-aligned sponsors to Wyatt from Business Development.
  • Donate your time, energy, or financial support.

Please reach out to someone on the Board if you have any questions. Thank you for your continued support and dedication to making The Space a reality. We’re on our way to building something truly special!

The Other Stuff

That RE update was a doozy, so I’ll keep the rest of the updates brief.


  • This month, we had two successful events!

    • Bitcoin & Beer Meetup: What a great turnout. The Space ran the tab up to $375 for all in attendance. It was great to connect with so many local bitcoiners and chat about what we’re working to build! I hope to do more of these, so lookout for future announcements.
    • June 22 Rockies Game: Space Members attended last Saturday’s ball game against the Washington Nationals and The Rockies won! We also had a nice shout out on the big screen!

Rockies Game Turnout

  • July Camping Trip Next month we have a weekend camping and hiking trip planned for members. This will be a fantastic opportunity for our local community to socialize, build relationships, and spend time in the mountians. I can’t wait!

Geyser Fund

We finally got around to setting up a Geyser Fund for The Space. This is essentially a go-fund-me, but with bitcoin. The page does a good job of outlining our organizational structure, value proposition, process, target audience and revenue model. I highly encourage you give it a read!

Geyser Fund - The Space


Now that we have an official branding suite, I think it’s time for some merch. Do you agree? What colors and clothing items? Let us know!

Stay tuned for updates!

Please reach out to the BoD with any question or concerns!